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Our Academic Approach

Elementary School

Our elementary school is a place where curiosity is contagious, reading is sacred, and character is paramount. Each day, we make learning come alive for students through an intensive academic program that places children in the driver’s seat of their education, and empowers them to become lifelong learners.

KIPP Miami elementary schools implement highly-rated literacy program Amplify CKLA Skills & Knowledge in grades K-5 to help support reading engagement and growth. This approach emphasizes the joy of reading through read-alouds, hands-on activities, songs, and asking big questions to help bring the text to life. Our classrooms use the iReady platform to benchmark progress in reading comprehension. We also make sure our students interact deeply with texts at the grade level standard. Stop any student in our hallways and ask them what they’re reading–then prepare yourself for a long conversation–they’ll probably list three to five books! Students participate in several independent and guided reading sessions each day and also have frequent opportunities to select books from classroom or school libraries.

Our math curriculum is centered around real-world problem-solving. Through the tough problems they tackle and the culture of collaboration in the classroom, our kids fall in love with the study of mathematics. We reject “I do, we do, you do” teaching where students imitate the teacher’s approach to a problem. Instead, our lessons require kids to use what they know to attack a new problem that is one step beyond what they have ever done, but still possible for kids to tackle with hard work. Our math curriculum is Florida Reveal Math and we empower students to progressively build on what they know about math to infer solutions to problems and represent their thinking in multiple ways

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Middle School

Our middle schoolers enjoy a challenging and immersive academic program that prepares them for success in both high school and college. The curriculum encourages students to think critically, develop claims, and debate ideas, and to always support opinions with evidence. Middle school students also have access to extracurricular opportunities that help them develop confidence, creativity, and independence.

In English Language Arts classes, we use a balance of close reading, guided reading, and independent reading to build student mastery of fiction and nonfiction texts. Our grades 6-8 literacy curriculum is grounded in the Amplify ELA curriculum and presents students with texts that provide meaningful exposure to important periods in history, as well as contemporary works that are must-reads for kids today. As a result, our middle school students gain insight into important social justice issues by grappling with texts that highlight issues of race, class, and power in our society. Students are encouraged to challenge each other’s thinking and participate in constructive debate.

We also encourage middle schoolers to build upon their math and science knowledge. In math courses, students use Math Nation, aligned to Florida B.E.S.T standards, to balance skill mastery with deep conceptual understanding of math. We urge students to explain their reasoning, debate different approaches, and describe how they arrived at an answer. In science, we utilize cross-cutting concepts to help kids recognize patterns, explain phenomena, and see the infinite connectedness of our world. Discovery Techbook For Civics and Science curriculum melds technology with hands-on components, building on kids’ natural curiosity about the world around them and our systems of government.

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